Which liposuction method to choose?
A slender and fit figure is not only ease of movement, aesthetic appeal and the absence of problems in updating the wardrobe. This is a status, presentable appearance, a visiting card of any person, arousing admiration from others.
But in order to catch admiring glances everywhere, it is necessary to put the figure in order - no excuses and postponement will help here, it will not dissolve by itself, and compromises do not work.
Attention! A slim figure is not only the result of regular exercise and proper nutrition. The human body is physiologically designed so that in some parts of the body a sufficiently large volume of subcutaneous fat is retained, which does not go away even if the strictest diet is followed. It all depends on the individual (including hereditary) characteristics of the organism. But visually, it is perceived by others as flaws and flaws in appearance.
Plastic surgery and other modern non-surgical methods of liposuction will help to improve the figure, correct certain problem areas of the body, quickly and effectively get rid of excess fat deposits and at the same time not give up the usual joys of life.

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What does the liposuction procedure involve?
Liposuction is a plastic surgery that removes excess adipose tissue from the hypodermis (subcutaneous layer). Terminology may vary and in different sources this operation can be called lipectomy or adiposuction.
At the same time, lipectomy is considered an exclusively aesthetic procedure that removes excess volumes, improves the shape of the body and harmoniously restores its contours. The meaning of the term is, in principle, fair, but one should not completely lose sight of the function of aesthetic body shaping.
Modern methods of liposuction
Plastic surgery uses various modern methods of liposuction, innovative technologies are regularly developed and appear. In different clinics, the same technology may have different names, so it is easy for a non-specialist to get confused in the terminology used.
Important! The actual question is which liposuction method to choose, which one is safer and more effective? In order not to get lost in a wide range of possibilities, consider the advantages and disadvantages of various options for improving the body.
Invasive liposuction techniques
The technology of such methods consists in a procedure when the integrity of adipocytes is preliminarily destroyed, then using a specialized aspiration apparatus, small holes are made on the skin through which fat is removed. Due to the application of mechanical force and the use of large cannulas, tissues are inevitably damaged.
The procedure is accompanied by a large amount of effort and lack of precision, which leads to bruising, the risk of deformity is likely, and the postoperative recovery period takes a long time.
After such an intervention, the patient experiences pain for a long time. In places of punctures, the skin becomes uneven, so additional care is needed in the form of a course of massage and cosmetic procedures.
There are several types of techniques that have historically replaced each other:
The mechanism of this plastic surgery is that the surgeon determines the required areas on the body, from which it is necessary to pump out excess deposits. In these places, a puncture is made (one or more), into which a cannula (thin tube) with a special solution is inserted under the skin and the fat is directly sucked off.
The method is characterized by a practical absence of the risk of infection, fat embolism does not develop and blood vessels are not damaged. There is no risk of burns due to heating and hypertrophic tissue scarring.
An experienced surgeon achieves an amazing result, but this operation belongs to the category of the most difficult, after which a proper rehabilitation period is required. There are restrictions on the amount of fat to be removed; reoperation is not recommended.
Tumescent or wet
This method is especially suitable for people who have contraindications for the use of general anesthesia. The contours of the body are improved during the procedure when the surgeon injects a large volume of tumescent solution into the selected area, which contains ingredients such as anesthetic (lidocaine), epinephrine and saline solution.
These ingredients work together to minimize bleeding, act as a tissue pain reliever, and facilitate the removal of fat cells. Further manipulations are similar to the classical technique - vacuum suction of fat deposits using thin cannula.
Hyper-luminescent (super-wet)
The technology of this method is similar in its implementation to wet liposuction. The only difference in the procedure is the use of a smaller volume of solution with anesthetic to correct and improve the figure.
Minimally invasive liposuction methods
Minimally invasive interventions are a common current trend in medicine in the 21st century. This also applies to aesthetic plastic surgery, which uses the latest high-tech techniques, in which the operation is performed with minimal tissue trauma.
The liposuction methods used are characterized by minimal risks and have a short recovery period.
This group includes the following techniques:
The technology was approved in 1998 and is a vibratory (power) technique that uses a high-speed linear movement of a cannula in a reciprocating motion.
Vibrating PAL cannulas significantly reduce tension and physical stress on the surgeon's hands, thanks to which the doctor can effectively perform large-volume liposuction in a short time without causing a large number of injuries, which is especially important for the fibrous area.
The micromovements of the cannula are carried out smoothly, without causing discomfort to the patient. This method also has a short recovery period.
The method of body correction consists in the destruction of fatty deposits by means of exposure to a high-temperature regime. The technology of the procedure is that the resulting emulsion is removed both surgically - aspiration (suction) from problem areas, and naturally - through the lymphatic and blood vessels.
The advantage of this option, in addition to the quick result and reduced trauma of the procedure itself, is the tightening effect achieved through photostimulation of the connective tissue, which, in turn, leads to the fact that the skin begins to produce new collagen fibers.
Water jet
The principle of the technique is to extract intact viable fat cells, which can then be purified in laboratory conditions and saturated with growth factors for subsequent use in modeling other problem areas (for example, in lipofilling).
The water jet method is the safest and most gentle in comparison with all other modern liposuction methods. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that before the fat is removed, the cells are not destroyed, but are separated by a parallel stream of the jet.
Also, the benefits include minimal blood loss, leaving vascular bundles and nerve fibers intact, no risks and quick recovery.
Non-invasive liposuction
Techniques for non-surgical body improvement show themselves best in cases where it is necessary to remove a mild excess of body fat. Such methods are often used when it is necessary to correct a double chin or improve aesthetics in problem areas in the abdomen. Likewise, without surgical intervention, the “sides” are removed and the shape of the hips and buttocks is corrected.
Among non-surgical technologies, the following are distinguished:
With this option, medicines are injected under the skin in the problem area, as a result of which the fatty deposits are converted into an emulsion, after which a mixture of components in the body is processed in the patient's body. The conclusion is made in a natural way. This process is similar to burning fat during vigorous exercise.
To achieve the full effect, 3-10 sessions are required, the interval between which is 10 days.
Before the administration of the drug, the patient finds out contraindications to the components of the drug substance, so the procedure is usually well tolerated. Sometimes redness may occur at the injection site, which quickly passes.
The essence of the method lies in the destruction of adipose tissue using two electrodes having a small diameter and connected to a high-frequency generator that generates oscillations of the electric current.
The effect of the electrodes on unwanted deposits is as follows: one conductor is inserted into the fat cells, and the other is superimposed on the outside of the skin surface, parallel to the inner one.
The radio frequency method evenly destroys adipose tissue, therefore, according to the results of the procedure, the risk of various irregularities on the skin is completely excluded. An additional effect is skin tightening and cellulite removal.
Cryoliposuction (cryolipolysis)
The use of this liposuction technique leaves no residue after the intervention. The procedure is carried out by a doctor using a device equipped with a special nozzle with a recess into which the vacuum equipment sucks in a fold of skin.
The problem area is exposed to low temperatures, destroying excess deposits, which are subsequently removed from the body.
Ultrasonic cavitation
One of the types of liposuction of the abdomen and other problem areas. The fat layer is destroyed by the action of ultrasonic waves that damage the cell membrane, due to which excess deposits become liquid and are gradually excreted from the body naturally along with the flow of lymph. The cavitation procedure is carried out with an ultrasonic device with a lipocavitator.
This is an absolutely safe option for removing excess mass. Both specialists and the patients themselves speak of its high efficiency, satisfied with the result and with their improved forms.
Needle electrolipolysis
Safe technology based on the process of destruction of adipocytes (cells that form adipose tissue) using an electrical impulse. The alternating current is set to the specified parameters of the wavelength and frequency and, in combination with acupuncture, the problem area is affected.
The technique is popular for correcting excess weight and removing cellulite. Fat is broken down in the subcutaneous tissue due to the stimulation provided by a simulated electrical current tuned to a specific frequency and waveform.
During exposure to alternating current, the process of fat splitting is intensified - it is emulsified (disintegrates into microscopic components), after which its density decreases and mobility improves, so it is easily and painlessly removed from the body.
Vacuum roller massage
A popular and widely used method that does not cause negative consequences. The procedure is absolutely painless, clients, including children, are not afraid of it.
During vacuum-roller massage, the master processes problem areas using a maniple - a special device that creates a vacuum. The impact of the device stimulates the elimination of the destroyed fat layer and excess fluid from the body.
The result of this massage is a clear decrease in body volume, and the procedure also helps to visibly get rid of cellulite.
What is the most effective and safest type of liposuction?
With such a wide range of procedures, the question naturally arises: how to choose the most effective and safe method of liposuction?
All of these technologies are safe. As side effects, one can indicate the manifestation of pain that appears after freezing tissues or after pumping out adipose tissue, broken by ultrasound or radio waves. In any case, these phenomena are carried over without any special consequences and pass quickly.
Despite the difference in the technological process, all methods are effective and efficiently cope with the task at hand - the elimination of the excess fat layer.
It is recommended to entrust the choice of a specific method to a plastic surgeon, who, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, will choose the optimal technique. With a personal consultation, the doctor assesses the condition of the problem areas and the body as a whole, learns about the result that the client wants to get.
Attention! Do not be fooled into thinking that these treatments can help you lose weight. All of these methods are created to overcome excess fat, which does not lend itself to either diet or intense physical activity.
In the overwhelming majority of studies conducted in the world's leading clinics, patients' figure is corrected and there is a loss of volume, but weight is not reduced with all procedures. And extra pounds can be shed by following a diet or playing sports, or by performing an operation to reduce the volume of the stomach.