Ophthalmology in Ukraine

Various ophthalmic pathologies with partial or complete loss of vision are a fairly common problem. Prolonged work at the computer, prolonged driving, stress, head and neck injuries can become the cause of vision problems.
Any deterioration in visual function requires professional advice. Experienced doctors in the best ophthalmological clinics in Ukraine will promptly make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will help to cope with the disease and return to your usual way of life.

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The advantages of ophthalmology in Ukraine
Modern ophthalmology in Ukraine is a highly developed. It offers reasonable prices for the services and an attentive attitude towards patients.
The main advantages of Ukrainian ophthalmological clinics:
- Systematic approach - during one visit you can get a consultation from several narrow specialists at once: an ophthalmologist, retinologist, pediatric specialist;
- International protocols for diagnosis and treatment - clinical guidelines are based on methods used in Europe and the United States;
- The use of the latest techniques and equipment makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment and reduce its duration, as well as reduce discomfort during procedures;
- Non-contact diagnostic methods - in most cases, diagnostic procedures are not accompanied by touching the patient's face and eyes. The examination is quick and comfortable, which is especially important for children;
- One-day outpatient therapy - surgical and laser correction are often performed on an outpatient basis and do not require a hospital stay. Such gentle interventions can reduce the severe patient restrictions that inevitably accompany the postoperative period;
- High quality of services at affordable prices - the cost of medical services in Ukrainian clinics is much lower than in Europe. For some services, the difference reaches 90%. But at the same time, the quality of services and service in Ukrainian clinics are not inferior to foreign ones;
- Performing procedures that are not available in a number of countries - for example, in some states, surgical interventions for stem cell transplantation are prohibited. They are being successfully carried out in Ukraine.

Ophthalmological Center "Noviy Zir"
Highest medical category center. Experienced doctors work here, who have helped to preserve and improve the vision of more than one thousand patients. Those who need surgical correction seek help here.

Clinic "Ocular"
It is included in the rating of the best Ukrainian ophthalmology clinics. This is a large new European-level center located in Kiev. Both adults and children are treated here. The center provides many medical services: from high-quality diagnostics to laser correction, aesthetic surgery and complex retinal surgeries. Experienced ophthalmologists treat a variety of eye diseases: myopia, hyperopia, cataracts, glaucoma and many other pathologies.

British Ophthalmology Center
Has the highest category and is ISO certified. The clinic carries out laser correction, treatment of astigmatism, cataracts and glaucoma. The center provides consultations and treatment for adults and children.
Diagnostics in ophthalmological centers of Ukraine
Since the vision can reflect the general problems of the body, doctors of the ophthalmological center often refer patients for additional consultation to other specialists: a cardiologist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist.
If necessary, studies are prescribed: X-ray, CT, MRI of the brain, ultrasound of the eyes, laboratory tests. Based on the examination and examination data, the doctor makes a diagnosis and develops an individual therapeutic plan.
In ophthalmological clinics, diagnostic procedures are performed:
- Eyesight examination, selection of glasses, including glasses with complex glasses;
- Ophthalmoscopy - examination of the fundus in order to assess the state of the retina, its vessels and the optic nerve head;
- Study in transmitted light to determine the state of the transparent media of the eye;
- Measurement of the strabismus angle, checking the equinox of the eye muscles;
- Slit lamp examination;
- Measurement of intraocular pressure;
- Optical coherence tomography - allows you to obtain important information about the retina and pathological changes in it;
- Corneotopography - makes it possible to determine the thickness of the cornea without direct contact with its surface. The method is of particular relevance in case of damage to the cornea and its pathologies.
Attention! Be attentive to your health. Timely diagnosis of eye diseases allows to detect dangerous pathologies in the early stages and prevent their further development.
What treatments are used for vision problems?
Ukrainian ophthalmology clinics use a variety of therapeutic methods that meet international standards. Depending on the nature of the disease and its stage, treatment options are:
- Pharmaceutical - antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing agents, analgesics, vitamin complexes are used;
- Physiotherapy and apparat methods - in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, UHF, laser irradiation, and electrophoresis are widely used. Today, devices that the patient can use at home are widespread. Their use improves blood supply to tissues, relieves eye fatigue, and preserves vision. Apparatus treatment is prescribed for strabismus, amblyopia in children;
- Intraocular injections - manipulations are carried out only by experienced doctors, since their improper execution can lead to the most serious consequences (the appearance of a hematoma, infection, injury to the eyeball). The type of injection is selected taking into account the diagnosis, the condition of the eye and concomitant diseases;
- Surgical operation is performed only when conservative treatment is ineffective. Any surgical intervention on eyes carries certain risks, so this approach is fully justified. So, with cataracts, vitamin drops are first prescribed. And only if they do not have the desired effect, the opaque lens is replaced with an artificial one.
Attention! According to the WHO, blindness can be prevented in 80% of cases. The main principle is the early detection of eye pathologies and their timely treatment.
Prices for services in ophthalmological clinics in Ukraine
The cost of treatment in different Ukrainian clinics is not the same. The price is influenced by the choice of a particular center, the complexity of diagnostic procedures and the volume of therapy.
The cost may seem high to some patients. However, prices in ophthalmological clinics in Ukraine compare favorably with prices for the same procedures in European countries, Israel, and the USA. At the same time, the quality of services provided in Ukrainian centers is not inferior to foreign ones.
Price for individual procedures in Ukraine:
- specialist consultation - from $ 30;
- diagnostics - from $ 50;
- laser correction - from $ 800;
- cataract treatment - $ 1000-2000;
- surgical treatment of glaucoma - $ 1100-2500;
- blepharoplasty - from $ 900
The prices shown are approximate. A detailed calculation of the cost of treatment can be determined by a medical specialist after examination in the clinic.