Alcoholism treatment in Ukraine

Alcoholism is a disease associated with both uncontrolled consumption of alcohol-containing drinks and pathological abuse on them. No one is safe from the onset of the disease, however, in the presence of certain provoking factors (depression, stress, genetic predisposition, and others), the likelihood of addiction increases by several times.
Despite the comprehensive study of this problem, an 100% effective method of treatment does not exist.
Recently, by the treatment of alcoholism in Ukraine shown good results. Anyone who decides to undergo a course of anti-alcohol therapy in one of the many Ukrainian clinics will be pleasantly surprised not only by the effectiveness and accessibility of treatment (which, by the way, will be much cheaper than in Europe or Israel), but also by the highest quality of service.
The benefits of the treatment of alcoholism in clinics of Ukraine
The advantages of the treatment of alcohol abuse in Ukraine are:
- Speed - on average, the basic course of treatment will last from four to six weeks. It includes: a mandatory complete diagnosis of the whole organism, developing of a treatment strategy for addiction, treatment and rehabilitation measures. Throughout the course, the patient is usually in the clinic, under the close supervision of medical personnel;
- An integrated approach - qualified doctors, psychologists and psychotherapists, rehabilitation therapists and professionals specializing in yoga, massage, leech therapy and other methods related to alternative medicine work with every patient;
- A large number of coding techniques - the richest experience of Ukrainian experts in the field of coding for alcohol and other types of addiction will allow (if necessary) to choose for each patient an individually suitable type of procedure. The greatest successes they achieved in the mental and medical technics;
- The possibility of using of "non-traditional" therapeutic methods - for patients who are difficult to treat with traditional treatment, there is an opportunity to try some types of "provocative" methods, such as modeling a condition of withdrawal or other methods selected strictly individually. Naturally, all procedures are carried out in a hospital under the strictest medical supervision;
- Rehabilitation of not only the addict, but also members of his family - a unique service that is included in almost every basic course, allows you to improve the psychological state of not only the patient, but also his immediate family.
Anonymity is a key factor in getting rid of alcohol addiction
Confidential information about a person who turns to medical institutions in Ukraine to get rid of alcohol addiction will never be made public or made publicly available.
This is a requirement not only of current normative acts, but also of urgent medical necessity. The fear that the patient's addiction will become public knowledge, is almost the first reason why potential patients do not seek for qualified medical help.
Methods for the treatment of alcoholism in Ukraine

The arsenal of Ukrainian clinics includes a huge number of classic and innovative therapeutic methods, each of which has been studied and repeatedly tested on a large number of patients. For example, modern methods of treating alcoholism in Kiev include:
- Coding is an effective method that allows, with the help of psychological and / or drug exposure, to inspire the addict with an absolute aversion to not only alcohol, but also to the process of its use;
- Blockade - in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, a “torpedo” is introduced into the patient's body containing chemicals that cause acute negative symptoms in case of an attempt to consume alcohol;
- BOS – coding - a method based on the impact on the patient’s subconscious by using special technical means (BOS – equipment);
- Hypnosis - based on the suggestion of aversion to alcohol directly into the subconscious of the addicted.
The cost of treatment for alcohol addiction in Kiev
The cost of treatment in drug treatment clinics in Kiev is determined individually for each patient. The following factors can influence the price:
- Stage of the disease (the more chronic stage of alcoholism - the more expensive the treatment);
- Patient's age (for young patients, treatment may be cheaper);
- The necessary course of treatment and the methods that are used;
- The presence of additional addictions in the patient (gambling addiction, drug addiction).
The price of treatment for alcoholism in Ukraine as a whole is much lower than in the EU countries, but at the same time it is no less effective due to the vast experience and modern methods of Ukrainian doctors.