Medical tourism in Kiev and Ukraine

Medical tourism is a fairly popular area of tourism, the main goal of which is to organize the treatment of a patient abroad. It differs from the usual tourism in that the rest abroad is combined with medical services that the world's leading centers and clinics are ready to provide.
For Ukrainians, medical health tourism is a new direction, which appeared relatively recently, despite the fact that this is a long-time popular tourist destination in the world. Today, Ukrainians have access to any clinics and medical institutions in Europe, Israel and America, where they can undergo high-quality treatment using modern technologies and techniques.
Thanks to medical tourism, any patient can ask for help from world-renowned specialists and experts.
The advantages of medical tourism for Ukrainians

Ukrainian citizens turn to the service of medical tourism more often, preferring to be treated abroad. This is reasons for that:
- In European clinics there are more accurate diagnosis and diagnosis;
- Medicines prescribed by our doctors do not solve problems;
- Abroad the most complex surgery can be done with great efficiency;
- There is practically no transplantation in Ukraine, or the queue has to wait several years;
- Rehabilitation measures did not help effectively restore health.
International medical tourism has many advantages:
- Modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques that allow you to accurately establish the diagnosis and develop a treatment in all areas of medicine;
- Innovative therapy based on painlessness and non-traumatisation;
- Equipped institutions. The presence of all the necessary devices allows for the prompt treatment and rehabilitation of the patient;
- Unique medical services and procedures. Most of the services provided in foreign clinics are not available in Ukraine country;
- Professionalism and high quality service. The medical staff has all the necessary knowledge to effectively support and assist patients who are treated abroad.
Medical tourism abroad is a progressive medicine and efficiency in 98% of cases.
To get information about possible treatment options, please fill out the form.
Which countries do Ukrainians choose?
The most popular destinations of medical tourism among the residents of Ukraine are Israel, Germany, France, Turkey, India. Long-term practice and application of the latest innovative techniques in therapy have allowed European clinics to carry out the most complicated operations: treatment of critical stages of cancer, plastic surgery, hair transplantation, treatment of psoriasis, transplantation of vital organs.
Why do foreigners choose Ukrainian clinics?
According to statistics, not only Ukrainians leave for treatment abroad, but also foreigners come to Kiev for treatment. The advantages of medical tourism in Ukraine:
- Price-quality ratio. In comparison with European centers, medical services in Ukraine provide cheaper services with proper quality;
- The presence of rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums, where the rehabilitation of people and children with cerebral palsy takes place;
- Developed dentistry and ophthalmology. In Moldova, Belarus, Germany, the quality of dental services is lower, and prices are too high;
- Innovative cell technologies and advanced reproductive medicine. Stem cell transplants are prohibited in some countries, and in Ukraine they have been successfully carried out for the last ten years;
- Developed surrogate motherhood, allowing you to select a surrogate mother and accurately program the sex of the unborn child.
All this makes medical tourism in the clinics of Kiev and other cities more and more popular among residents of the near and far abroad.
Prices for medical procedures in Ukraine and abroad
The cost of medical services in Ukrainian clinics and institutions is several times lower than in developed countries of Europe. At the same time, in terms of quality, our treatment is in no way inferior to European.
If we compare a number of operational procedures, the Ukrainian physicians produce them at 30-70% cheaper than world experts. The clinics of Germany, Israel, in addition to directly rendered services, charge extra fee for the institution's reputation. Prices for medical tourists in Ukraine are only slightly different from the prices for services for Ukrainians themselves.
Almost 2-3 times the cost of treatment in Ukrainian centers is lower than in Germany, Poland or Israel:
- Removal of a varicose grid, on average, 28 thousand UAH, and abroad - from 90 thousand;
- Removal of the gallbladder - 22 thousand UAH., And abroad - 33 thousand UAH;
- Hysteroscopy - 13-14 thousand UAH., And in foreign clinics - 29 thousand UAH.
Organization of medical tours abroad

With all the attractiveness and advantages, it is quite difficult to organize an independent trip. The first difficulties faced by those who wish to undergo treatment in leading foreign institutions are the language barrier, admission to the necessary specialists, the collection of documents, the issues of accommodation and stay in the country.
UAMT is an organization that is designed to help patients from Ukraine organize a medical tour to any of the world-class clinics.
The Ukrainian Medical Tourism Association directly interacts with international institutions and is capable of solving a number of tasks:
- Prepare the necessary documents and translate them;
- Choose the best option of the institution and arrange admission to relevant specialists;
- Form a travel budget, which will include the cost of treatment, diagnosis and accommodation;
- Support the patient while undergoing therapy abroad.
The main advantage of cooperation with UAMT is the free provision of services, which makes medical tourism for Ukrainians more accessible and closer.
We will help you to provide it!