Lymphoma Treatment in Austria

Lymphoma is an oncological disease of the lymphatic system of the body, which affects patients of all ages. The health and life of the patient depend on the quality, effective, and most importantly timely treatment. Therefore, many patients who have encountered this disease are sent to Austria to treat lymphoma.
In clinics located in this country, doctors have achieved stunning results in the fight against this disease. They adopt all the latest developments and techniques in the field of immunotherapy, the practice of using monoclonal antibodies for the treatment, and successfully use them in their medical practice.

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Benefits of Lymphoma Treatment in Austria
When undergoing treatment in Austria, patients receive a number of advantages:
- High level of services provided. Many clinics in Austria specializing in the treatment of cancer are located in close proximity to medical universities, or even are their satellites. This approach allows patients to receive consultations from leading luminaries in the field of oncology, and doctors to practice the latest techniques developed by the institute, which have just passed certification;
- High level of equipment of clinics and highly qualified staff - allows the patient to be sure of the success of the therapy;
- The relatively low cost of treating lymphoma in Austria, as for European medicine. Compared to German clinics, which are rightfully considered the best in Europe, the prices for oncology treatment in Austria are slightly lower, while at the same time as in German clinics, the level of services provided is high..
The main methods of treating lymphoma in clinics in Austria

Treatment of lymphoma in clinics in Austria is carried out both by traditional, proven methods, and innovative methods of therapy. In any case, after a comprehensive examination and diagnosis, the most effective treatment technique is selected, which is designed to return the patient to a normal, full life with minimal damage to healthy body systems. Such treatment methods include:
- Chemotherapy. The most common approach to treating Hodgkin lymphoma. Special drugs are designed to stop the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body, to have a destructive effect on them. Depending on the complexity and stage of the disease, the patient may need several courses of chemotherapy;
- Radiation therapy. Austrian oncological centers are equipped with the most modern devices for irradiating oncological formations. These devices are capable of spot irradiating a damaged area without affecting healthy tissues of nearby organs. A new word in radiation therapy is proton and photon therapy, which allows more accurately and purposefully affecting cancer cells with a beam of rays of much greater power;
- Immunotherapy. Development and introduction into the body of individually developed preparations for it that make the body's immune system mobilize. Treatment occurs due to its activation, the body independently produces antibodies that kill cancer cells. Such an approach has fewer undesirable side effects, and in the long run there is a greater chance of complete healing;
- Stem cell transplantation. If the previous approaches to treatment do not give the desired result, stem cells transplantation is used in Austrian clinics. For transplantation, both the stem cells of the patient himself and those taken from the donor can be used. Stem cells stimulate the growth of healthy bone marrow cells, which in turn received damage from radiation and chemotherapy sessions.
The cost of treating lymphoma in Austrian oncology clinics
It is quite difficult, if not impossible, to name the exact price of treating lymphoma in Austria, since it is individual for each specific case. The cost determination takes place only after a detailed and comprehensive examination of the patient, which is accompanied by the taking of the necessary tests and diagnostic procedures. In addition, as in most other European countries, both public clinics and private cancer centers are well developed in Austria. Of course, the cost of therapy in the latter will be slightly higher.
To understand the order of prices, we give the average prices for some procedures in Austrian clinics:
- Chemotherapy course - $ 5800;
- Proton Therapy Course - $ 19,000
- Stem Cell Therapy - $ 17,000;
- Diagnostic procedures - $ 6300;
- Radiation therapy session - $ 450.