Medical doctors-members of the Ukrainian Association of Medical Tourism (UAMT) have unique benefits:

1. Education. Trainings.

- Participate in trainings, master classes and training programs conducted by UAMT both in Ukraine and abroad;

-To exchange experiences with the leading experts of the medicine branch.

2. Conferences. Forums.

- Participate in ongoing activities (supported by UAMT) in national and international conferences on preferential terms.

- Participate in various Internet projects on development of medical tourism.

- Participate in the forum for the communication of patients, medical professionals, insurance companies and other healthcare providers.

3. Medical tourism development.

- Develop international relations between Ukrainian practicing doctors and foreign experts.

- Get support in organizing referring the patient abroad for treatment;

- Interact with Ukrainian and foreign international public organizations, charitable organizations.

- Receiving and providing objective information about the leading medical institutions and leading hospitals both in Ukraine and abroad, the quality of their medical care, efficiency and effectiveness of treatment.

- Have support from UAMT in promoting and protecting the reputation of medical tourism in Ukraine conforming to high medical services quality and international standards of treatment and prevention.

- Have access to medical tourism market research, both in Ukraine and abroad.


We invite you to become a member of UAMT!