Oncology at the exhibition "HEALTHCARE" (October 22-25, 2013, Kiev)
At the end of October Kiev hosted 22th International Exhibition "Healthcare", organized by "Premier Expo." One of the largest exhibitions in Ukraine was dedicated to the healthcare and brought together under their flags stands of representing health care and related industries. Of course, the reporter of Ukrainian oncoportal visited the exhibition.
But at the exhibition we were interested in everything connected with oncology. Considering specificity of financing the most part of Ukrainian medicine, stands of Ukrainian state medical institutions we could not find.
As, by the way, and foreign oncology centers. But more than plenty for the exhibition area, designated for medical tourism were presented various foreign mediators - the unions and associations that offer treatment - from orthopedics and cardiology to oncology and depressions in all hospitals of Ukraine and abroad. In fact, it can be said that a significant part of stands taken specialized travel company offering outbound medical tourism.
But Ukraine has something to oppose foreign clinics. And when we are talking about cancer treatment, those few powerful private oncology centers operating in Ukraine (first of all it's "Cyber Clinic of Spizhenko", hospital "Lisod", clinic "Innovation"), looked more than worthy. State NMAPO named after PL Shupyk and those private clinics presented their achievements at specialized seminars and conferences held in the framework of the "Healthcare".
Having carefully considered the exhibition program of events, we found the following reports and presentations on "Oncology":
- Capsule endoscopy in the diagnosis of precancerous diseases and tumors of the small intestine (Sorokin B V, Pirogovsky V Y, Shepelinets UI)
- conference "Innovative technologies in medicine," organizer NMAPE named after PL Shupyk;
- Lung cancer - current position of problem (Zaharichev VD) - the same;
- Modern methods of diagnosis of melanoma and skin cancer (Pilgrim OV);
- Organ-saving operation with radiosurgical system "CyberKnife" (Buryk VM) - Seminar "Beam diagnostics and treatment," the organizer - UAMT.
But the greatest representation of Ukrainian cancer centers was noted at the First International Congress of Medical Tourism (theme is "Modern development of medical tourism in the world. Potential of the CIS countries. Exchange of experience"). Or rather, on the second part of the Congress, moderated by the newly established Ukrainian Association of Medical Tourism.
The representatives of Ukrainian cancer centers turned full force. In addition to the undoubted successes and achievements, had sounded more interesting theses. For example, about potential of Ukrainian oncology to receive foreign patients for treatment told representatives of the clinic "Innovation", about such part of the medical tourism as labor migration of medical personnel from other countries told representatives of the clinic "Lissod".

But the most precise hit to the topic of inbound medical tourism was the report of the Head Doctor "Cyber Clinic Spizhenko" Buryka Vladislav, who during his speech showed not only a lot of clinical cases of successful treatment of tumors in the "Cyber Clinic Spizhenko", but also demonstrated the "geography of patients" - patients from 25 countries of three different continents. And to dispel the doubts of the Congress participants were shown impressive case of treatment a patient from a far Nigeria.

Communication with participants of Congress showed that presentations of national experts made seriously reconsider the priorities even representatives of intermediary companies in their habit of export-oriented patients, including cancer patients to foreign clinics. Moreover, at a comparable, and often even higher quality treatment of tumors, which offer a cancer centers in Ukraine, the price of cancer treatment is clearly lower than in the United States, Israel, Turkey, and even Russia.

So in the near future, Ukrainian Oncology Centers have all the chances to get a reliable business partners to expand the geography of countries, which patients will receive qualified treatment of tumor diseases in Ukraine.