How to reduce breast size?
Contrary to popular belief, curvaceous forms are not always a matter of pride for a woman. For some, they do not correspond to the idea of beauty, for some, excess weight becomes an additional burden on the spine, and for others, psychological discomfort.
Modern medicine helps women achieve the desired result - today, breast reduction is not particularly difficult. The problem is solved by both non-surgical and surgical methods.
When may a woman need to reduce her breast size?
A large bust is one of the main signs of female beauty. However, research results disagree with this statement.
A survey conducted by lingerie manufacturers Gossards showed that only 14% of men like curvy. The majority prefers the 2nd size, and for 28% of the respondents it does not matter at all. The results of a survey conducted by Australian sexologists showed that very large sizes are attractive mainly for adolescents, and not for mature men.
But women decide to reduce large breasts not only for reasons of beauty. A large bust often causes many problems.
First of all, it creates additional severity, and its owners often have a worsening respiratory function, as well as pain in the spine. In addition, the straps of the garment cut into the skin and cause irritation.
Difficulties also arise in the selection of linen and clothes, especially if the woman as a whole is miniature. The psychological component also makes a certain contribution: the increased male attention, which is not always pleasant, makes the girl to reduce her breasts. Sometimes a large size becomes a source of psychological complexes.
And, finally, the heavier the forms, the more forcefully gravity acts. This leads to the fact that already at a young age, the breasts begin to sag and lose their attractiveness.

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How to reduce breasts at home without surgery?
Not every woman is ready for the intervention of surgeons. In this regard, the question arises: is it possible to reduce the size of the breast without surgery? Experts answer it positively. There are several ways to reduce a girl's breasts at home.
How to reduce breasts with exercise?
The muscles in this part of the body in women are rather poorly represented, so the pectoral muscles are difficult to influence. How to be and what exercises reduce breasts?
Special complexes for the shoulder girdle and upper back help to correct the position. Their regular implementation increases the tone of the muscles of the thoracic region and allows you to gradually remove excess fat from the mammary glands.
It will take time to shrink your breasts with exercise. But with perseverance, you can tighten the bust and slightly reduce its size.
Cosmetic care
The result of the training will appear faster and become more noticeable if you use special means with a lifting effect simultaneously with the exercises.
Diet food
You should think about revising the calorie content of the diet if you are overweight. In combination with physical activity, proper nutrition will not only help to remove fat cells deposited in the thoracic region, but also contribute to the overall health of the body.
Unfortunately, there are no special diets. But any one, selected taking into account individual characteristics, will do. However, one should not pin high hopes on the diet - with a decrease in weight by 1 kg, the breast loses only 20 g.
Corrective underwear
This is a bra that matches your breast size. More intensive correction with lingerie is extremely harmful. A bra cannot resize a bust, but mini bras make it look smaller. This is achieved by changing the shape - in such underwear, the chest seems flatter.
Advice! It is recommended to choose bras with a round cup that covers the gland on both sides, with elastic straps that will reduce the load on the spine.
Hormone therapy
In some cases, it helps to shrink the mammary glands without plastic surgery. A number of hormones affect size. In particular, excess estrogen leads to an increase in body weight and bust size.
Only a doctor after the examination can establish the cause of the violations and find effective ways to eliminate them.
Surgical ways of breast reduction
Conservative methods do not always help to achieve the desired result. The surgical method is much more effective. It is called reduction mammoplasty. The procedure consists in removing part of the tissue and excess skin. After that, a new shape is created and the nipple with the areola is moved.
Surgical methods of breast reduction:
- Periareolar access is rarely used. When using this method, it is possible to remove only an insignificant volume of the breast. It is mainly used to correct the asymmetry of the glands.
- Vertical approach is another way to shrink the mammary glands. When applied, an incision is made around the areola and vertically from it to the breast fossa. Another horizontal one is added in the chest crease. With this method, operations are carried out much more often.
Indications for breast reduction surgery
The decision to undergo plastic surgery is made by the woman herself. But sometimes doctors recommend to reduce the mammary glands. This happens in the following cases:
- Gigantomastia - occurs with the active replacement of the glandular tissue with adipose tissue. With pathology, other problems can be observed: prolapse of the breast, asymmetry, pain in the spine and dermatological complications;
- Asymmetry of the mammary gland - unequal size of the glands or their location at different levels;
- Gynecomostia is another indication for surgery. It occurs due to hormonal disorders, in which fat accumulates in the breast;
- Severe ptosis of the breast;
- Dermatological problems - diaper rash, redness, rashes constantly appear under the glands;
- Deterioration in the quality of life - when playing sports, gymnastics, dancing, there is constant discomfort;
- Spine pain - appears due to the impressive weight of the glands.
Attention! Surgical intervention to reduce the size of the breast is a rather serious operation. It is carried out only in the absence of contraindications. Also, not all methods allow you to maintain the ability to full lactation after childbirth.
How much can you reduce woman's breasts?
"How much can you reduce your breasts?" - one of the first questions that patients have. The operation allows the woman to get the size she wants. For example, size 6 can be reduced to size 2 or 3.
There are frequent cases when, some time after the intervention, the patient again turns to surgeons in order to reduce the breasts even more. If such a need really exists, a second operation is performed.
How is the breast reduction surgery performed?
During the intervention, the breasts are reduced and lifted. The specific technique for performing reduction mammoplasty is selected depending on the size of the bust and the wishes of the patient. But it always consists of 3 main stages.
Preparing for surgery
Before you can reduce the volume of the breast, it is necessary to pass tests and undergo a prescribed examination. In addition, the conclusions of a number of specialists (therapist, mammologist, gynecologist) are needed. These data will allow the surgeon to have a complete picture of the patient's health.
If you need to get rid of excess pounds, it is advisable to do this before the procedure. Weight loss after surgery, especially significant, can negatively affect the created forms. But even with a normal weight, a diet rich in nutrients is recommended before the operation. It is also necessary to give up alcohol and not use blood thinners.
Advice! You should not go on a diet that is too strict. This is fraught with a weakening of the body, which needs strength for rehabilitation after the intervention.
It is equally important six months before the procedure to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked as much as possible and not to use hormonal contraceptives. This will significantly reduce the risk of blood clots.
Often, before the operation, computer 3D modeling is carried out, which allows you to immediately assess the future result.
Surgical intervention
It is performed under general anesthesia. To compare the effect obtained with the initial situation, pictures of the breast are taken before the intervention. Then, markings are made on the skin and anesthetics are injected.
To shrink a woman's breasts, excess tissue is removed until the desired size is obtained. To create firmness in the bust, excess skin is removed and the tissues are tightened. Then the wound is sutured, drainage is installed and a bandage is applied. With asymmetry, the operation is performed on only one gland. The duration of the procedure is 1.5-3 hours.
Women's breasts are a rather delicate area. Therefore, in clinics, interventions are trusted only by experienced specialists.
The first month after the intervention, it is necessary to wear compression underwear around the clock. And the next 2 months - only in the afternoon.
Physical activity, including homework, is completely eliminated in the first 3-4 weeks. It is recommended to stay in bed for a couple of weeks. At least 7 days will have to do with antibacterial wipes - any water procedures are prohibited.
On the 10-14th day, you need to visit the surgeon to remove the stitches. The sutures heal completely in 1.5-2 months and the scars become almost invisible. If traces still remain, laser cosmetology procedures will come to the rescue. But you can contact a beautician no earlier than in a year. Doing this earlier is not worth it for the reason that the tissues need time to recover.
For the first month it is necessary to protect the body from overheating. Therefore, it is recommended not to use the sauna or solarium.
In the first weeks, many patients have swelling and bruising at the site of intervention. This is normal, they go away on their own and do not require any treatment. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended to sleep on your back.
After about a month, most women return to their usual routine, but with certain restrictions. The results are evaluated after three months.
How long do the results of plastic surgery last?
The preservation of the effect is influenced by the woman's age and her lifestyle. In most cases, a second surgery is not required. However, the bust can lose its shape during drastic weight loss and after childbirth.